Created in 1938 by landscape architect Louis Perron, the Joan of Arc Garden combines French classic style with English-style mixed borders. The Battlefields Park’s gem, brings together more than 150 species: annual flowers, bulbous plants, but most of all, perennials.
At the center of this rectangular and slightly below ground level garden is the Joan of Arc monument dedicated to the patriotism and courage of 1759 and 1760 heroes.
If you would like to know more about the plantings, at the western end of the park, and also online you’ll find an Info-Plant Terminal with close to 300 digital plant sheets.
390 avenue de Bernières, Québec, G1R 2L7
Children Friendly Garden
Dog Friendly Garden
Special Events
No Admission Fee
Parking on Site
Accessible by Public Transit
Wheelchair Accessible
Larry Hodgson
Canada's Garden Route Spokesperson
Author of "A Garden Lover's Guide to Canada"
Bring the kids
Summer’s here and Canada’s public gardens are at their best. You know you want to visit them yourself – who wouldn’t want to stroll through a beautiful park filled with flowers – but maybe you feel you’re so tied up with your children or grandchildren you just can’t get away. Well, there’s an easy solution to that: bring them along!